i recently shared Christ with some friends using rob bell's illustration of the trampoline from velvet elvis.
i feel like that's where i'm at right now.
a gentle but strong arm is reaching out inviting me to join back in the fun, adventure, and mission of following Christ.
a gentle but strong voice saying, "stop beating your head against the brick wall! come, jump!"
the grass is always greener under the trampoline.
remember when thumper's mom said, 'if you don't have somethin' nice to say, don't say nothin' at all.'? i sort of felt like that all summer.
it started out hard, but got a lot stinkin worse than i imagined it could or would.
a couple of things that GOD really used to speak to me this summer. these are truths that i clung desperately to:
james 1:2-4 (the message) consider it a sheer gift, friends, when tests and challenges come at you from all sides. you know that under pressure, your faith-life is forced into the open and shows its true colors. SO DON'T TRY TO GET OUT OF ANYTHING PREMATURELY. let it do its work so you become mature and well-developed, not deficient in any way.
(haley, a dear friend from our youth group in three lakes, spent the summer with us)
exodus 33:15 if your presence does not go with us, DO NOT send us up from here.
(i painted my entire kitchen in chalkboard paint)
deuteronomy 6:23 but he BROUGHT US OUT FROM THERE TO BRING US IN and give us the land that he promised.
some true friends walked along beside us in this difficult journey. you know who you are, and i thank-you. and i love you.
true friendship is a way of life that i really want to instill in my children, and you, my friends, are my instructors.
you confirmed what i thought God was speaking to me.
you encouraged us to stick with the vision.
you taught me to give when i am able.
you taught me to receive when help is offered.
you showed that david/johnathan relationships are strengthened through difficulty.
though we were without an income for two months, our bank statement never wavered. although our little jar of oil was being poured out, God made sure we were never without.
a couple of highlights of jumping on this trampoline.
as we were able to visit the body of Christ all over salt lake this summer, we noticed something.
the Spirit is moving.
in towns.
in churches.
in individuals.
and complacency is being set aside.
the time is near.
salt lake is groaning with birthing pains.
THIS is an exciting time to be on mission.
THIS is an exciting time to be called by God to a place that is READY.
(original artwork painted and edited by riley)
eli is working with K2 as the youth director and director of fusion, the high school ministry. we are loving the people and ministry of k2 and feel refreshed and enthusiastic every time we experience how God is working there. the first time i walked into k2, i turned to eli and said, "this feels like home."
i got a job with granite school district as a preschool teacher. this is the perfect job for me as landon can be in my classroom and i will be working the same hours that the kids are in school.
we are beginning the adoption process again. it is looking a little different than the direction that we first began with and if it continues to go that way, i will share more.
we are working toward the launch of 'the living room' summer of '14. there will be lots more on that in following posts as 'the living room' is the result of the passion God has put in our hearts for salt lake.
(that's for my foodie friends, a somoa from one sweet slice, winner of tlc's cupcake wars. yes, i am trying to entice you to come visit, wisconsin friends)
liberty park, salt lake city
butterfield canyon
eli teaching at big canyon camp