As night quietly progresses, and my children are snug in their beds; I want to make sure I say thank-you.
For Riley:
His recent illustration has brought peace to my conflicted heart.
I have never been sure of what's going on in his mind. Some kids use words to communicate. He uses art. I love that! Thank-you for his creative spirit. for his gentleness. for his love of peace. for his sense of justice. and loyalty. his protectiveness. his ability to encourage. his love of reading. his intelligence. his love of science. even his love of electronics! his love of nature. his sense of outdoor adventure so similar to his dad's. his love of letter-writing. I love the way he uses a babyish voice when he's talking to Landon and other little kids. Thank-you for that sweetness. his sense of silliness. his sense of responsibility. Thank-you for his friends, old and new. Thank-you that he likes to be with kids whose parents I like to be with. I love who he is growing up to be!
I ask for courage. for bravery for Riley. That fear wouldn't hold him back from things he wants to do. that he needs to do. That when the time comes for him to stand strong, that he will be able to.
Help me be a parent that is able to help fulfill his need for purpose. That he would learn from my example. That he would learn how necessary it is to put others before himself. how to work hard. how to turn knowledge into wisdom. how to use his giftedness. how to love. how to be honest. transparent. how to confront when necessary. how to forgive. how to radiate GRACE.
For Raelyn:
I've gotten a new appreciation observing her in her class this year. She's so animated and attentive that it's no wonder all her classmates want to be her friend. Thank-you for her ability to make friends. to be a friend. to be friendly. Thank-you for her sense of fun. her enthusiasm. her creativity. her love of companionship. her administration. her ideas. her ability to plan and follow through. her attention to detail. her awareness. her gracefulness. her love of beauty. her love of music. of dance. her zeal for life. her self-sufficiency. her responsibility. her love of community. of fellowship. her respectfulness to her teachers. for her ability to teach. to perform.
I ask that Raelyn learns patience, and contentment. That she learns to enjoy life at the pace it comes and to appreciate the process along with the result.
Help me be a parent that is quick to affirm her. physically. intellectually. emotionally. spiritually. Help me give her periods of undivided attention. Because she is so good at entertaining herself and not needy of me, she is the easiest child for me to overlook. Help me not let that happen. Help me demonstrate clear and responsible leadership and gracefully admonish her when necessary. Help me respond to her, rather than react.
For Baylee:
Everyone wants to make Baylee smile. to laugh. to open up. There is something about her that draws people in, and when they are eventually rewarded with a smile, laugh, or hug, they feel a sense of accomplishment, and a love for this little girl. Thank-you for her slow smile. her neediness. her trust. her giggle. her surprising sense of daring. her little acts of bravery. her love of her siblings. her desire for cuddles. and hugs. her smart little brain. her love of reading. love of learning. her desire for security. in relationships. in her physical surroundings. her ability to lighten the mood. her love for her teachers. for her classmates. for her friends. for her cousins. for her grandparents. her desire to be included. her love of art. her sense of accomplishment. her sensitivity. her soft heart. her patience with Landon. with Raelyn. with Riley. with her mom! Thank-you for her total inability to rush.
Help Baylee be confident in who she is. who you made her to be. Help her to reach out to others. instead of always being a recipient, help her to give. give love. give comfort. give support. to give her own unique gifts to help those around her.
Help me fulfill Baylee's need for love. May I help her fragile sense of security by making sure she feels accepted just as she is. Help her feel secure belonging in a family that loves each other deeply and honors each other. Help me shower her with affection whenever possible. Help me never to feel inconvenienced by her needs and her best interest.
For Landon:
I can't help but smile when I think about Landon. he is a delight. Thank-you for Landon. You knew I needed some refreshment. some comic relief. so you sent me Landon. Thank-you for his sense of humor. his desire to be funny. his silliness. his easy laughter. his ability to break the ice. and the guts to try. Thank-you for his inhibitions. his affection. his fearlessness. his love of family. his love of disabled people. of elderly people. of babies. of animals. Thank-you for the friends you have sent him in his short little life. I had no idea a person so little could have such close friends, but he does. Thank-you for his companionship. for his love of chit-chat. his desire for constant attention. Thank-you for a child that wants to go everywhere with his parents. that chooses adventure over the daily. Thank-you.
Lord, help develop a sense of respect in Landon. Don't let his desire for a good time override his desire to see others. in their hurt. in their need. I'm so glad he loves to be with others, but develop his love of quiet times to.
Help me never be too busy, too harsh, or too skeptical for his developing personality. Give me the grace to encourage him to be different. to be vulnerable. to be candid. to make mistakes.
What gifts you have given me! Help me never take my responsibility too lightly. Grow me into the momma that enables my children to reach the potential that you created them uniquely with. Help me be a constant well of grace and acceptance for my darling children. Thank-you!!!
Lindsey, thanks so much for sharing your children. This is so cool I can put names and faces together