A couple of things I want to share before I disappear for a time.
2 little lives have recently been placed on our hearts and minds. Their story is not one of convention and I am unsure where our story will connect with theirs. However, we are taking action steps to help ensure that they will grow up in the best environment possible for them. We will not being using an adoption agency while we work on it, although we are still on hold with America World and their Ethiopia program until we sort through this. The money that had been given to us to do a home study during the spring was used up for living expenses this summer when we didn't have an income, so we will begin fundraising again very soon and will begin a homestudy as soon as we have raised the $1,200 necessary to pay for it. I have a million ideas for fundraising, just not so much time to make them happen anymore.
Kids started school last week. Girls LOVE it. Riley doesn't. Slow to embrace change, he often comes home with a sour face and a list of all the things he didn't like about his day.
Landon will be watched by a close friend this year. Everyone's fine with it except momma. I am having a hard time letting go of my baby. We are best buds and have done everything together the last 4 years. Landon is the most like me of all the kids. Plain and simple, I just enjoy his company and will miss him. We all have undergone alot of change yet again this summer, and are all ready to settle down into a routine long enough to throw a couple of things in an attic. Please continue to pray for us in it all!
Love you all!!!! TTYL!