Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Age Appropriate Chore System

I'm going to deviate from my regular type of post today to share my chore system that has been in process for a long time now. I have researched these types of systems for years and have experimented with them in our own home. I want to make this a resource for any parents that are scrambling for more structure in their home before school gets out.

The reason I like this system is that is combines aspects of being a member of our family, personal responsibility, and creating a discipline system in a simple way.

This is a system using marbles and jars/buckets with each child name on it. I give a quarter per year (Example: Riley is 9 so he gets the sum of 9 quarters) and then divide the total by 15 for each unit that I give or take. That way each child starts with the same number of marbles in his jar but gets an age appropriate amount of money if he chooses and allowance. Each unit is a marble and can be used to get money each week for an allowance or used for a "special." If this sounds like Greek right now or seems too complicated, I can assure you once it is up and going it will simplify your life.

Family Rules

1. Obey the first time
2. Say only what is kind AND true
3. Be responsible
4. Have a good attitude

The Marble System

Name Total       Give/Take

Riley         $4.50 $.30
Raelyn $4.00 $.25
Baylee $3.00 $.20
Landon         $2.00 $.15

You will each start with your total money as a marble for each give/take unit (15) for the week on Sunday afternoon. You can choose to collect your money each Sunday or you can keep your marbles to add to each week if you are saving up for a "special." If you do family chores you can earn marbles. You can also earn marbles by doing extra kind or loving things for each other. Marbles will be taken away for not doing personal chores or for breaking rules.


Cupcake date with mom at one sweet slice.  (20 marbles)
Movie at dollar theater with dad. (20 marbles)
For popcorn on movie date (add 5 marbles)
Make Play-do date with mom (20 marbles)
Shopping for clothes at Savers or Kid-to-kid with mom (20 marbles)
Dimecade date with dad at Classic Fun (20 marbles)
Bike ride with dad (10 marbles)
Nerf gun war with mom or dad (10 marbles)
Park date with mom or dad (10 marbles)
Bake a dessert with mom (10 marbles)
Home Manicure and Pedicure with mom (10 marbles)
Host a sleepover (10 marbles)
For an ice-cream sundae at your sleepover (add 5 marbles)
A half hour of parent approved media (tv, computer, wii, DS) (2 marbles)

We also have one whole family special...meaning each kid has to work towards it at the same time. 

Classic Fun Center with whole family and 2 activities (dimecade, rollerskating, lazer tag, jungle gymn) (20 marbles each)

Personal Chores

Personal Chores are part of being in this family and learning to take care of yourself. Doing these things are your RESPONSIBILITY and do not result in an allowance. If you do not complete these tasks each day, you will lose part of your allowance.

Landon (4):
Get dressed 
Make bed every day
Bring your things from the car to the house
Take your dishes from the table to the counter
Put dirty clothes in laundry room
Put shoes and coat away
Clean up after activities or project
Baylee (6):
Make their bed every day
Bring your things from the car to the house
Take your dishes from the table to the counter
Brush teeth
Comb hair
Choose the day's outfit and get dressed
Write thank you notes with supervision
Put dirty clothes in laundry room
Clean room every night before bed
Put shoes and coat away
Clean up after activities or projectclean up after activities or project
Raelyn and Riley (8/9):
Take care of personal hygiene
1. Get dressed
2. comb hair
3. brush teeth
4. shower monday, thursday, saturday
Clean bedroom every night before bed
Be responsible for homework
Be responsible for belongings 
1. Hang up backpack
2. Pack and unpack lunchbox
3. take belongings in from the car
4. put shoes and coats away
5. Put clothes you take off downstairs on the stairs to put away when you go up
6. put dirty clothes in laundry
7. put away toothbrush and hair stuff
8. take dishes from table, rinse, and put in dishwasher
9. clean up after activities or project
Write thank you notes for gifts

Family Chores

Family chores help the family and teach you things you need to know when you have your own house someday. Doing these chores will result in allowance. I will choose chores that you can do each day and earn an extra marble. The chores will be posted on your refrigerator sheet.

Landon (4):
Set the table with supervision
Clear the table with supervision
Help a parent prepare food
Help a parent carry in the lighter groceries
Match socks in the laundry
Answer the phone with parental assistance
Be responsible for Lentil's food bowl
Be responsible for Grace's food bowl
Hang up towels in the bathroom
Clean floors with a dry mop
Baylee (6):
Be responsible for Lentil's water
Be responsible to Grace's water
Vacuum individual rooms
Wet mop individual rooms
Fold laundry with supervision
Put their laundry in their drawers and closets
Put away the kid dishes from the dishwasher
Help prepare food with supervision
Empty indoor trash cans
Answer the phone with supervision
Set table
Riley and Raelyn (8/9):
Wash dishes
Put away dishes from the dishwasher
Take Lentil on a walk
Clean the fish tank/Grace's cage
Empty trash and put new bags in tash cans
Wash the car with supervision
Prepare a few easy meals on their own
Clean the bathroom with supervision
Rake leaves
Learn to use the washer and dryer
Fold laundry with supervision
Put all laundry away with supervision
Clean the bathrooms with supervision
Take the trash can to the curb for pick up
Wet mop the kitchen and bathrooms
Vacuum individual rooms
Clean Grace's cage
Screen phone calls using caller ID and answer when appropriate

This is Baylee's sheet. I purchased these magnetic sheets at Target. The paper clipped page is her personal chores, which we plan to go over every day until she knows what is expected of her every day. The smaller things are magnets that I made. I printed out a list of her Family chores and then cut and pasted them onto scrapbook paper, laminated them and put a magnet on the back. Yah, it was a lot of initial work. When she completes them, she can take them off of her page and put them on the refrigerator. 

Eli and I do not maintain a very relaxed home life, but we recognized that some of our children thrive better in a structured environment. We also have been trying to take our kids on "dates," but often fail to schedule the time to do it. This system helps combine our desire with their responsibility. Once some of them earn a "special" of their choice we will not have a moments peace until we do our part. It works out great for all of us. 

We also take away the marbles if they don't obey the family rules. For example, if I ask Baylee to get her shoes on and she continues to do whatever it is that she is busy with, I respond, "Baylee, go get a marble out of your bucket and then go get your shoes." They hate loosing their marbles!!! So do I!

Hope there's some ideas you can use!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lindsay, thanks for posting this! Jess and I are sitting down right now to figure out how to make it work for our kids. What do you do if a kid goes through all their marbles before the week is up?
